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Raymond Cattell


Scientific measurement of personality traits the focus of Raymond Cattell systematically emphasizes the breakdown and operationalization of personality into basic units. Basic units, traits provide predictive value for one’s personality. A contribution to the psychology community that dramatically influenced the meaning of personality 16 factor theory epitomizes Western indoctrination of empirical psychology. The observable behaviors, surface traits and the basic units of personality visible through surface traits, source traits are aspects of Cattell’s 16 factor theory. Moreover, temperament traits (how a person behaves), motivational traits (why a person behaves the way they do), and ability traits (how well a person can perform a behavior). A distinguishing feature of Cattell is his idea of fluid intelligence versus crystallized intelligence. The prior independent of previous experience and the latter based upon past experience. A supportive backbone to contemporary Big Five Cattell’s 16 factor theory is instrumental in comprehension of personality.


Application Questions

  1. The contribution of the environment on personality socially shaped ergic manifolds (SEM’s) existent in Walter and his attitude towards seminary and bible school are the systems of religion and occupation. Combined with innate ergs SEM’s interact in production of behavior according to Raymond Cattell.
  2. According to Cattell’s theory ergs that motivated Walter’s behavior are gregariousness, self-assertion, safety, and fear because they have to do with the self-righteousness held in how society should be.
  3. The ergs that motivated Walter’s marriage and family according to Cattell are mating, narcissistic sex, parental protectiveness, safety, and self-assertion because the desire in his personality for authoritativeness and sanctimoniousness.
  4. The traits of Cattel’s 16 factor theory Walter would score high on are reasoning, dominance, liveliness, rule-consciousness, social boldness, vigilance, abstractness, privateness, self-reliance, and tension because of the need to solitarily rule over others that follow his abstract beliefs. Walter would score low are warmth, emotional stability, sensitivity, apprehension, openness to change, and perfectionism because the most prevalent personality traits are affected by his opinions and lack of self-regulation.
  5. Temperament traits assertiveness and irritability are evident in Walter for his authoritativeness and lack of emotional control with stubbornness.
  6. Ability traits Walter has are great as a minister. Contrary to low ability as a student as a drop out.
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.