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Albert Bandura and his theory of social learning can be an explanation to courtesy, norms and expectations learned in grade school enforced by parents and teachers. Triadic reciprocal determinism model, according to Bandura behaviors learned by a child are influenced by environment and personality.

Elementary school reinforced with a gold star for a good behavior or scolded for a bad behavior supports another learning theorist B. F. Skinner and his influence on the education system.

Growing up in Alaska teachers were a model of admiration and respect and the source of learning. Thus learning was associated with that respect and looked up upon. Encouragement to succeed built confidence for self-efficacy to develop. For a child to fit a model there are limitations as each individual holds regulation of self. Self-regulation, guiding one’s thought, emotion, and behavior was an aspect of personality described by Bandura.

Nervous habits too fit in the category of learned behaviors such as chewing one’s nails. A pesky habit that may have been picked up from my older brother as a child or conceivably another student. Realistic expectations between students differed in capability and therefore provided subjectivity true to psychology. Subjectivity of self-regulation and its influence on behavior.

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