DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.


An Essay on Professionalism...


Completing a review of pertinent literature, I have identified several key components that foster successful professional behavior, professional socialization, and mentor/protégé relationships.   In general these include: effective communication, being approachable, being responsible, being respectful, and displaying empathy.  In the following paper I will discuss their significance in professional development.    


To begin, I have to admit, I was surprised to read in multiple studies that being approachable is an important aspect of professional behavior and socialization.  On some level I realized it, but have not actively or consciously recognized its significance.  With reflection, I’ve recognized the importance of this attribute and how nicely it dovetails with effective communication.  While effective communication is a common sense essential for professional practice, approachability can be less of an obvious characteristic.  However, approachability encompasses nonverbal cues which are important for effective communication.  Also being able to communicate well with others has a positive effect on one’s perceived approachability.  This is an important area to focus efforts in discussions of professional practice, because improving one’s overall presentation of self and approachability directly improves one effective communication.


The next two areas I will discuss are being responsible and respectful.  Again I feel that these two characteristics complement each other.  Being respectful to your patients, colleagues, yourself, the profession, and the institution are important aspects of professional behavior.  In acting in a respectful manner towards these entities it also displays a responsibility for your actions, emotions, and behaviors.  


An important aspect of professional behavior and developing professional relationships with colleagues is to maintain a level of professional composure that conveys respect and responsibility.  In aid in composure through difficult work situations or in times of stress, it’s important for one to actively reflect on their feelings and behaviors.  Under times of stress, professional responsibility can include increasing one’s awareness of emotions, recognizing one’s limitations, and communicating needs effectively.  Further, it is key to perform these actions proactively to maintain a professional demeanor and open communication throughout times of conflict or situational stress.  In performing reflective practices and taking strong responsibility for one’s emotions and behaviors it communicates respect to peers, managers, and the institution.


The last professional behavior I will discuss in this paper is empathy.  In the world of healthcare, empathy plays a large role in daily interactions with patients and patient families.  However, an area that is highlighted in the literature is practicing empathy with managers and other people in positions of power.  Often, these positions come with responsibilities that are outside one’s scope of practice.  While these different motivations can be a source of conflict, by practicing empathy and effective communication, potential strife can lead to increased understanding.  Developing empathy with colleagues, mentors, and managers can lead to improved professional relationships and work environments.


Self-awareness involves the ability to have insight on one’s thoughts, attitudes, behavior, well-being, emotions, appearance, and competence.  In my literature search I have found research supporting the importance of reflective practice and self-awareness to monitor feelings.  It is shown that feelings shape behaviors and behaviors shape relationships.  In order to improve and maintain good professional relationships it is important to develop proactive reflection practices and situational self-awareness. 

Often self-awareness means recognizing triggers to emotional responses, then corralling those responses into positive behaviors.  I have attached to this summary of professional behaviors an overview of emotional triggers in the workplace for me with effective coping strategies.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.