DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

MHA@GW Module 1 - Management and Strategy

My Development 


Key Competencies:

Leadership: leading and managing others, planning and implementing change
Communication and Relationship Management: interpersonal communication, writing skills, working in teams
Business Skills and Knowledge: human resources management, strategic planning, marketing, organizational behavior and governance, planning and managing projects, quantitative analysis
Professionalism: improving community health
Health Care Knowledge: health care personnel, health care issues and trends




In this module, I was introduced to the concepts of leadership that I had not previously been exposed to. I have developed an understanding of what a leadership role entails, and how to take on the role of being a Firestarter. The book Hardwiring Excellence, by Quint Studer, was a wonderful read, and challenged the idea of leadership I had built previously. The tangible examples provided in the case studies provided the opportunity to approach real situations that can be expected throughout a healthcare leadership career.


Working in teams was an enjoyable dynamic in this module. Having a diverse team built of colleagues you can count on to contribute points of view that I may not have considered helped build my understanding of the many ways to approach different situations. Working with others is a critical skill, especially in healthcare. One point that was driven throughout the course is that no one person in healthcare is more important than the others. Take one piece away, and the puzzle is not complete.


Although I am not currently in a formal leadership role, this module instilled skills and understanding that I will apply in my current role, as well as in future positions. I am determined to work toward a new role where I am able to utilize leadership skills I have learned in this module, and look forward to what I will learn both through this program, as well as my work experience!

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.